Thursday Afternoon Thoughts – An Elegant Timewaster

I usually did these games on Wednesday – but…why not today? I had not seen this site offer these … let’s just say – old Atari video games … Perhaps you will be less frustrated than I was trying to remember these games and the “How To” Enjoy!

Again, as always, I’m not responsible for miss deadlines, phone calls, etc… LOL

A Merry and Doleful Tale ~ late evening thoughts …

This is from the delightful blog Lloyd’s of Rochester .. and I’m still laughing and no, I had NO idea Shakespeare have that many working words in his vocabulary … LOL

If you need a laugh (and who doesn’t these days?) listen to John Branyan regale you with the account of the porcine trio in a manner most unaccustomed.

via Three Little Pigs – like you’ve not heard it before — Lloyd’s of Rochester – an Eclectic blog

A Book And It’s Cover ~ Early Evening Thoughts …

Anyone around my blog knows how I feel about judging people – especially people you don’t even know!!!!

Having spent much of my life feeling judged and “weighed in the balance” it’s been an interesting transition for me to keep on keeping on, especially after the events that I’ve written about where I decided to stop even trying and worse, stop living ….

Now, let me lighten this a bit …. I titled this post A Book And It’s Cover.  For fun, here’s some covers that allow us to imagine what’s inside ….

bad title 8 bad title5 bad title6 bad title8

However, this post deals more with judging a person before we know much, if anything, about them.  Which in my mind says, “I don’t like the way you look/walk”.  In actuality, what a terrible way to do things.  We have no idea what people have to offer that just might enhance our lives and living.

Some of the best examples of this occur on the various talent shows around the world.  I generally watch the American and European ones on YouTube … and I’ve seen judges get seriously “burned” by thinking the “cover” is the book.  Remember Simon Cowl and Susan Boyle? I rest my case …..

This clip is from Ukraine’s Got Talent several years ago … He didn’t make it into the finals (pity) but he taught me a lesson that in spite of a handicap – there’s basically nothing that should hold you back!

When I was teaching in India, I had several students in the 8 years who suffered from what this young comedian suffers from … and has been before, a comedian’s weakness can turn out to be their greatest strength … right? [He came in 2nd place, but he’s still the winner in my eyes …]

And last, (and the people all said, “Praise God”) this year AGT had a deaf singer … Talk about something to overcome.

Be who you are and how you are … you’re the only one who can …

It’s all in how you look at it ~ Late Evening Thoughts …



Let’s file tonight’s story as “It’s All In How You Look At It” … OK?
My good friend, also called Bill, and I were out visiting friends in low places. At the end of the evening, we stopped at the 59 Diner for some really great food and fun service. (diner waitresses you know…). We got the same waitress we had last time, who I swear is Inspector Gadget with the decaf coffee pot permanently attached to her hand….. The other waitress in our section came by the table and I asked about the big party that had left shortly before we arrived. Found out it was a party of 27 college kids, complete with their bongos (was I transported back to the 60’s?) … I could ONLY imagine how much fun that part would have been. And yes, I’m being serious – it would have been fun …
In the meantime, four fellows who had visited in even lower places came in and took a booth not too far from us. Well, took a booth is perhaps the wrong description … It involved pouring one of them into the booth.
Alas, this same one reached the end of his night and his head crashed onto the table. At this point, two phones came out and the scene is being video taped.


Now, here’s where how you look at it comes into play. All I could think of was 1) this is most likely going to appear on Facebook/twitter and 2) this kid is going to have a tough time living it down. My friend and I had some good chuckles over what he was going to be teased about when he finally “came to” and then – then – it happened.

Yes, that moment when ALL the alcohol consumed and bar snacks decide they need to come up and out for air.

At that point, I realized that his name had instantly changed to “Mr. Throw-up” and he was going to have a more difficult time dealing with that one.
Remember I mentioned diner waitresses? Well, one cardinal rule: Don’t make their life more difficult than it is. Don’t, just don’t.

She was there in a flash and informed the three to get him out of there…as in now. It was fun to watch them try to get Mr. Limp Body out of the inside of the booth, out the exit door and into the car. The three came back in and she’s standing there with a large take-out box and informed the three that THEY were to put the “excess protein evacuation”* (my words NOT hers) into the box and clean it up to not to make more work for the rest of them. LOL
She also had their food on another table already boxed up, and (diner waitresses again) asked if they wanted THAT box in a bag to remind Mr Throw-up in the morning… LOL
Meanwhile, those around are quite conscious of what happened and were chuckling some in amusement and some with rueful memories no doubt.
Here’s my point (and the world sighs – thank God) … We could have been upset, offended and Lord only knows what else…demanded to be accommodated elsewhere and a discount on the check (really – I’ve been in restaurants where that happened) But seriously, it didn’t really effect us or our meal. I know there are those who ARE but much of that is simply in their mind.
We would have had to disrupt our meal, conversation etc. and would have missed watching Diner Waitresses in action. >shrug< seems pretty simple to me.
OH, yes – as we were leaving the four were somewhat standing outside and yes – the kid was being referred to as “Well, Mr. Throw-up over there”.


“protein evacuation” was the term at Disneyland I heard only once to explain why we were being held up in line.

Seal Picture – NBC San Diego
Diner Waitress

An Elegant Time-Waster ~ Sunday Edition ~

It’s been awhile since I’ve posted one of these.  I try to find something that is fun, interesting and yes – a time-waster.  When you click on the link, you will be presented with what I can describe as a “sausage with eyes”.

Use your cursor to move it around.  When prompted, give your mouse some serious shaking – and watch what happens.

I will, however, repeat something that is on the site – although not necessarily as high-lighted as it should be …

Those at risk of epileptic seizures should choose a different website.

And they are NOT kidding …..

And We Got Here How? (Part 2) ~

Over these next few posts, please keep in mind that much of this occurred while growing up in Montana.  Some things seemed very far away, but it didn’t mean I wasn’t deeply aware of what was happening – especially as a university student.  Of course, Montana didn’t have a large population of ANY Ethnic group….as Dick Gregory once said at the University of Montana – Missoula: “If someone wanted to hold a race-riot in Montana, they could use the high school Gymnasium…”

We, in Montana, were not the only ones with a quaint view of life.  Even my Mother knew that “Leave it to Beaver”, “Ozzie and Harriet”, “Father Knows Best” were not exactly the reality of all time.  That didn’t mean, however, that this didn’t color how we wanted our world to be/look.  Also be aware, that I grew up in a “peace at any cost” household, so a son who was sticking a toe in the waters of activism – let alone some of the OTHER choices I was making in my life – probably caused no end of consternation.

Probably nothing hit our lives more than the one photo that I posted … the fire hoses being turned on school kids.


Now, this part of the story is a little muddled in memory, so bear with me.  I even contacted my sister – she’s “slightly” older than I am to try and clear up some confusion.  I think we really confused each other even more …

In the late 50’s, my Father’s Rotary Club wanted to sponsor a foreign exchange student – from Africa.  At that time, in our town of Kalispell – there were one family of blacks and one single guy who’d been a shoeshine guy for as long as I can remember ….

There was concern about what – if any – problems there might be.  (Remember our quaint view here folks).  At that time, one of the more popular cafe places in town STILL had a sign in the window that said: “No Coloreds Allowed”.  My Dad took it upon himself to visit every business in town and find out if he would be able to shop there, eat there, go there, etc.  According to my Mom, the results somewhat shocked him….and he went on a campaign to change that.  Sadly, the sign in the cafe stayed – but everything else seemed to work out.

Problem solved, you say … and I’m sure in many minds it was.  But you know the drill – as long as everyone knows their place.

Birmingham not only challenged that, but showed that there was a lot more going on then people were willing to admit or even face.   At that time, there were more blacks in town.  I have no idea what they thought, but I do know that what out neighbors and friends thought pretty much mirrored what was being said/thought elsewhere.

More on that next post … which WILL be sooner, I promise!!!!

An Elegant Time-waster ~

BISA (before I started again) I had a feature on Wednesdays called elegant time-waster.  As I am known for spending “some” time on the Web, I have often found these off-beat games, musical instruments, etc. that actually CAN waste time – elegantly.  (There, I’ve used those words enough today (cross that off the bucket list!)  This is a musical matrix that when you land there looks like this:

game in play

You click on a/some square(s) and the note(s) play(s).  Alas, there is NO stop button, so you have to refresh the browser to get you creation to stop playing over and over and over … LOL

Enjoy –

Hello world!

Hello from WordPress!! I’ve migrated here from Blogger – I’ll post more on all the “sturm un  Drang” later, but let me just say ~ I was beginning to think I was running some kind of political campaign for a failed candidate …. sheesh!!! Add to that, all the pressure to become part of the “cloud”  … nope, I make my niche here, thank you very much!!!! 

Mea Culpa ~ Late Evening Thoughts.

I apologize for not posting over the last several days. It’s been quite hectic here. I am literally building my life from the ground up and building my apartment from the ground up.

I have been in the midst of getting furniture, bedroom furniture and literally everything that is needed as I had absolutely nothing. I have a very nice two bedroom apartment now – one bedroom is going to become the computer room and craft room.

It has been an adventure to actually have to decide what I want and where I want it to be … something quite new and exciting for me!!!

I have a few items left to get ~ one of which is a TV (of course) … then this Friday, my daughter and I are going to unpack and set up the apartment. We have a time slot that the bed will be delivered, a time slot for the cable and internet… Thursday the computer is going to be packed to go to the apartment. I will, however, be able to post as I have been using my son-in-law’s computer.

—more tomorrow